Curriculum and Pedagogy:

The Montessori Method

“Education is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquired by listening to words but by experiences in the environment.”
-Dr. Maria Montessori

A child's mind between the time of birth and six years of age is that of an "absorbent mind". During this age children have a tremendous ability to learn and assimilate from the world around them. Hence, the Pre-Primary Department of LVISN believes in providing our tiny tots, an environment that helps them to explore the world around them by working with concrete material and developing basic cognitive abilities through experiential learning at their own pace. They have the freedom to make creative choices that respond to their evolutionary needs. The activities include sorting, spooning, transferring, folding, pegging and many more.

Young learners get hands on experience by performing these activities thereby fostering their growth of independence, concentration and sense of order. It offers opportunities for building confidence and self-esteem, nurturing a happy and motivating environment for their holistic development. It also aids in improving their fine and gross motor skills and paves the way for building stronger foundation.

Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida

Learning by Doing

"Tell me and I'll forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I will understand." Keeping this in mind, we organize a flurry of activities like seed germination, nature walk, pre-math experiments etc. where children get the opportunity to unleash their own potential and explore new ideas and knowledge through meaningful, interactive and fun-filled activities thereby helping them in the process of growing up into smart and confident individuals.

Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida

Audio visual teaching

Extra marks Learning App

Young learners tend to react to visual information faster than they respond to plain text. We furnish a perfect amalgamation of technology and pedagogy to engage, educate and entertain our junior learners. Extra marks digital Learning platform empowers students with tons of animated lessons that make the learning experience exciting and charming. Besides all these, our teachers teach various topics through PowerPoint presentations.

Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida


“All the resources we need are in our mind. Our brain is wider than the sky” – Theodore Roosevelt

STEM activities help us to deal with spatial judgment and the ability to visualize with the mind’s eye. These activities enhance logical reasoning, fine motor skills and the ability to think in three dimensions.

To ignite the mind and promote the holistic development, we make conscious effort to involve our little ones in STEM activities through our fully equipped Eureka Lab (Spatial Intelligence and Coding Lab).

Tools like ‘Link and Lace’ enable our Lotus Buds to create shapes of various objects, alphabets, patterns by using board, plastic needle and lace. ‘Trudie 3D’ shadow teaching is done to make the child understand how objects look from different angles thus enhancing their problem-solving skills in a play-way method.

Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida

Circle Time

Every morning, the Circle Time activity is conducted wherein the children engage in discussions, story narration, role play, show and tell, question and answer sessions and quizzes etc. They are exposed to different monthly themes, life skills, moral values and ethics. This activity helps in developing positive relationships amongst children and strengthens the bond between the teachers and the students.

Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida

Parties And Celebrations

Celebrations help the children understand the significance and traditional values related to various festivals and inculcate respect for our culture, customs and religions. Many theme-based parties and celebrations are organized at the school such as Dussehra Party, Diwali Party, Christmas Party, Childrens’ Day etc.

Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida

Big Book Program

A Home Without Books Is Like A Tree Without Birds.........

Stories play a vital role in the growth and development of children. These are a useful source of information and make children familiar with sounds, words, language and the value of books. Considering the importance of story-telling and read aloud, we have the ‘Big Book Program’ for our little children. Through this program, our young learners are exposed to various interesting stories throughout the year. This program enables our children to build vocabulary, provides a model of fluent, expressive reading and helps children recognize what reading for pleasure is all about.

Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida

Excursions and Picnics

We organize excursions and picnics each session for the children. Such outings create lasting memories in the minds of children and help them to explore the natural environment, express themselves and build self-confidence which eventually broadens their horizon of knowledge.

Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida

Story of the month

‘Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world’ Robert Mckee

Storytelling is a universal and traditional art form that has featured strongly in Indian culture as an effective tool of communication. Our storytelling sessions are fun filled and exciting. The voice modulated narration, interesting props and handmade puppets fascinate all the children to listen to the stories with full concentration and enhance their imagination and expression.

Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida

Rhythm and Rhyme

“Music has a power of forming the character and should therefore be introduced into the education of the young” -Aristotle

Music is an integral part of our school curriculum. Theme related rhymes are sung in our classes wherein teachers use beautiful, handmade props which mesmerise the little ones and allow them to feel confident about singing, dancing and performing. The smiling faces and the instant humming of the rhyme bear the testimony of accomplishment of this powerful learning source.

Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida


Dance is the most loved form of expression. It is an assimilation of our culture and tradition. Our little buds proudly showcase their love for dance through various events like special assemblies, annual shows, class parties etc. Apart from fun, expression, culture and tradition every dance provides valuable life lessons to our children.

Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida

Special Assemblies

Celebrations are an important aspect of life. At Lotus Valley our young buds of Pre-Primary celebrate the spirit of festivity in the form of Special Assemblies which help them get a glimpse into the cultural and national festivals of our motherland, India. Through class Assemblies, our young buds showcase their talent by depicting colourful dances, songs and sharing the significance of each festival with the audience. By celebrating all festivals like Diwali, Holi, Eid, Gandhi Jayanti, Independence Day, Gurupurab, Dussehra, Christmas etc. with zeal and gusto, we aim at giving exposure to children to varied performing arts like music, art, theatre, dance and drama and promote communal harmony.

Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida

Annual Show

The most important event of the year ‘The Annual Day’ is celebrated with great fervour in our school. It provides a platform for the students to showcase their talent and exhibit their immense potential through varied presentations. From dance performances to plays and musical events to speeches, the annual day is eagerly anticipated by children and parents alike. Our annual show guarantees a hundred percent participation and exposure on stage for every child thereby making them confident and proud. The thought-provoking themes leave the audience entertained as well as enlightened.

Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida

Sand Pit Activity

We firmly believe in taking children out of the classroom spaces to experience the real world through varied experiments and hand-on activities. Sandpit play is another important feature of our school as it acts as a medium to develop eye-hand coordination and small muscle control. There are no said rules or instructions when playing with sand. The child determines the direction and the path of his or her play. They dig around, build with it, pretend with it, sift and explore. Their imagination expands thus offering endless opportunities for fun and learning.

Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida

Splash Pool Activity

Our ancestors rightly postulated, ‘Children deserve to grow and learn in a place and alongside a force that is as vibrant and alive as the children are’.

The splash pool of LVIS is a great place to lounge in and explore multifarious styles of learning. The crystal clear and placid waters of the pool rejuvenate the children. Under the watchful eyes of the teachers, children benefit from the relaxing nature of scooping, pouring and running their tiny hands through the water. The school pool is superbly maintained, which make every child’s experience an enriching and memorable one.

Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida

Community Service

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill

Student engagement in community service activities is a vital part of our curriculum. At Lotus Valley, we believe that Community Service activities help our young ones define their values, experience empathy, develop social skills and learn about their community. We teach our little ones the significance of giving back to the society and encourage them to donate their old toys, used stationary and overgrown clothes. This enables them to become more compassionate and responsible towards the less fortunate ones.

Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida

Fitkid program

"A healthy body is an abode of a healthy mind." At Lotus Valley, we recognize the need and importance of fitness for the overall development of the child. To support this, our school offers Arney’s Fitkids Nutrition Program that promotes healthy eating habits using innovative and creative activities. It aims to empower students with the right judgement to make healthier food choices and understand the importance of good health, nutrition, safety and hygiene.

Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida

Little Chef - Fireless Cooking

“Cooking with kids is not just about ingredients, recipes, and cooking. It’s about harnessing imagination, empowerment, and creativity.”– Guy Fieri

The experience of cooking food helps the Lotus buds in building self-confidence and lay the foundation for healthy eating habits. Our budding chefs gather hands on experience of fireless cooking through ‘Little Chef Activity’. The students prepare healthy and mouth-watering dishes like nutritious fruit salad, yummy Nutella sandwich, refreshing lemonade etc. Stirring, measuring, rolling, squeezing and spreading are just a few of the tasks that allow the children to develop their fine motor and hand-eye coordination skills. A lot of enthusiasm in participating and a sense of achievement is visible in the sparkling eyes of our little Master Chefs. This activity helps them in realizing the importance of food and makes them more responsible with their food choices.

Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida

Happiness Module

The monthly happiness module activities are specifically designed to develop 21st century skills in our young buds. We believe that through these activities, our children develop skills of self-awareness, creative thinking, effective communication and problem-solving. They also imbibe values of gratitude, love, kindness and compassion. The specially created Happiness Module facilitates the enhancement of the ‘Happiness Quotient’ in our tiny tots, as they learn to value things around them and be happy and grateful.

Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida

Jubiliations- Inter School Fest

Through Jubilations-The Inter School Fest, we celebrate the innate creativity and unique talent of each child. It is an ode to the innocence and beauty of childhood. Our fest is based on the guidelines envisioned in Sustainable Development Goals. This year our fest aims at promoting ‘Life below water’ and sensitizing our students towards the necessity of conserving the oceans, seas and marine resources. We gather in unison with a belief that our young Lotusians are the future harbingers of change that we wish to see in the world and aim to celebrate life together.

Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida

Shin Program

“Learning is more effective when it is an active rather than a passive process”
- Kurt Lewin

In order to empower the students with 21st century skills, a well-structured Shin Program is introduced in the Pre-primary department. It is a Japanese style group learning methods which can improve academic as well as non-cognitive abilities of children such as self-discipline, teamwork, perseverance, etc.

Learning with Shin is truly activity based and brain stimulating. It encompasses various hands-on activities related to shapes and pre- math concepts which aims at developing skills of critical thinking and problem solving. Under the guidance of our trained teachers, the students thoroughly enjoy this playful method of learning which helps them to enhance their logical reasoning, form patterns and build relationships.

Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida